Next: Thursday, 20 February 2025
Runs until Thursday, 17 April 2025 (See all dates)
A weekly meet every Thursday at Kirkby Stephen Methodist Church Hall for those with memory problems, people who are disabled or feeling lonely.
Do you know someone who who would benefit from The Upper Eden Memory Club? Its for people with memory problems and those who are disabled or lonely.
They meet every Thursday 10.30am-12noon at the Methodist Church Hall In Kirkby Stephen and also offer help and support for carers with help from Eden Carers, Social Services and Alzheimer's Society.
There is no need to book just turn up.
For more info please call: 017683 42702 or email:
Kirkby Lonsdale Methodist Church
Queens Square opposite St Mary's Church
Kirkby Londsale
The event runs from 10:30 to 12:00 on the following dates.
Select a date to add this event to your calendar app.